
Hey everybody! Plasmaster here. I have a cool game I made. You can read about it here:

I call it Smash RPG. It is a role-playing game for us users to play that is based off of Smash Bros. Pick your favorite character and join in!

I will be the Smash Master for the game, so I will be taking care of any calculations or factoring in abilities, or dice-rolling that goes on. You guys just worry about playing the game. Leave it to Heropon!

If you have any questions, just leave them on my message wall.

Now, to get started, each player will need a character profile card. You can find the info you need to put on the card on the Smash RPG page that I linked to.

Once you have your card done, we'll start determining your character's stats. I will roll my dice, and whatever number comes up will be attributed to a stat of your choice, so depending on what character you picked, you might want to put some of the higher numbers towards certain stats.

Let's get started!
