
Hey Smashers, Plasmaster here. Let's cut right to it.

About fifteen minutes ago Online was down for Smash for maintenance. Could it be a few preparatory changes for 1.1.6? Online is working again now, so it really does make me wonder if they made any major changes or not.

If Patch 1.1.6 were to be released, I'd expect the following:

  • MAJOR Bayonetta nerfs--I don't personally want her to be nerfed, I just think this is what will happen.
  • Corrin nerf
  • Cloud nerf
  • Mewtwo buff
  • Greninja nerf, just for old times sake
  • Samus nerf, because she is my main, so why not?
  • Mac nerfs
  • Sheik nerfs
  • Shulk buff
  • Mega Man buffs
  • Sonic buff

Let me know what you want or expect to see change if Patch 1.1.6 does in fact get released soon.
